Tap for an Easy Call with Teena
or just call +61 7 52242009

One Step Forward to an Easier Service and an Easier Life

24/7 personal, customized, universal support, now made possible with easy AI agents at your finger tips and in your earbuds.


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What is Easy Call?

An Easy Call agent is an AI employee. Customer service, sales, backoffice and IT are the first targets, then every desk job under the sun. Easy Call is simply an army of AI agents who are acting identical to a human employee at a desk. After many years of anticipation, this year, 2024, finally AI reached the level of quality and viability to enable voice and backoffice services, as good or even better than average human.

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Practice Areas

If your business ever needs to talk to the customers, then we can help to make it more delightful, much cheaper, always available and tailored in details to their needs.

Practice Areas

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From a simple answering machine to a sophisticated assistant who takes phone calls and looks after bookings and answers customer questions, and even anwering enquiries and closing contracts over phone.

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Managing bookings and cancellations, transcribing conversations, filling up forms, tracing patient profiles and handling simple office admin day to day tasks.

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Verbal interview based assessment and capacity development. Story telling and simple tutoring based on simple content and instructions.

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Handling correspondence over Airbnb and other hospitality websites as well as email, sms and voice calls. Managing the regular maintenace of properties and ammenities. Coordinating with cleaners and tradies for the regular and incidental requirements.

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Employee communication, managing rosters and staff availablitiy for sick leaves and holidays. Customer communication for availablity in stock in stores and online. Price enquiries and basic product questions.

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From family food planning to online grocery shopping to garden maintenance calendar and to any other random and simple household mental loads.

The Family

Under the hood, we have a family of 5 sibling agents. The 5 agents have simple yet profound and powerful skills.

The Family

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Teena who is like an average teenager, fresh off the highschool with no deep knowledge of anything, is the youngest and the least sophisticated member in the family. Teena has a good memory to memorize paragraphs and simple documents and it can read them back when asked simple questions related to the memorized texts. However she is not very precise and can barely perform any analysis and definitely can not do any maths reliably.

Teena can be trained to work with simple web applications that are used for your business operations. In a conversation, she can fill up forms and take notes against client profiles in any software which has a web interface.

You can hire Teena for 50c/minute of active conversation.

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coming soon..

Lisa who is good at lists is slightly older and more sophisticated than Teena. You can give Lisa a spreadsheet and ask all sorts of questions related to the list. She's good at basic maths and can suggest break down of long lists and making lists of lists and navigate through them.

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coming soon..

Rita is good at repeatative tasks, rotations and regularities. She has a sense of time and can tell when it's time to do what. Rita is great at reminding. No matter how many people and no matter how many tasks in what order and routine, she can coordinate and remind everyone of their tasks and items.

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coming soon..

Sally is the queen of Sales! Not really. At best she can help with waming up leads by educating them about products and services. Based on given sales funnel plans and scripts, she can find out about the customer interests and connect them to the graph of sales progress and use appropriate script to help the leads move higher in the stack and deeper in the funnel.

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coming soon..

Codie wss the unplanned child of the family. With the fast pace of progress in the field of generative AI, it became increasingly viable to use AI in doing our own coding and configuration using our agentic engine. Hence it now seems likely that we end up releasing our internal coding and configuration agent to the public. If we end up releasing him, his name will be Codie.

Sign Up

Shoot us an email or give us an Easy Call
here on the website or on +61 7 52242009.
